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Everything You Need to Know about Mobile Optimized Ads

| February 25th, 2019 | 1591 Views

Mobile usage trends have considerably changed over the past few years. Especially, after the advent and emergence of Smartphones, things have become pretty different on the mobile front. The moment you step out, you can be sure to see innumerable users hooked on to their Smartphones or devices. Whether at a food parlor, cars or at theaters, this is a common sight we get to watch.

Business owners and entrepreneurs must take note of this aspect. With millions of users relying on their Smart mobile devices for even the most inconspicuous tasks, mobile search is sure to experience skyrocketing growth.

Let’s turn to market statistics to develop an idea of the significance of mobile search trends.

According to stats, a whopping 40% of adult users in the US, searched for local businesses on their Smartphones.

If the statistical reports of mid-2015 are anything to go by, mobile searches have left desktop searches way behind in numbers.

Importance of Mobile Devices

So, that brings us to the discussion about the significance of mobile devices for local businesses. Some of the highly important reasons are:

  • Local businesses draw most of their prospects from mobile devices. Having prospect contacts on the phone makes it even easier to place calls.
  • The business niche also plays a highly crucial role. When highly significant prospects are searching for a business on their Smartphones, they are simply not browsing and do mean serious business.

How to Create Mobile Optimized Ads

If you happen to be a local business owner, you will inevitably wish to tap into the resources offered by mobile devices. Google Adwords offers you the opportunity of creating mobile-optimized advertisements. You will need to follow certain procedures in this regard.

  • While creating new advertisements, you will need to determine your device preference. Opt for the checkbox offering ‘mobile’ as the only device option.
  • By selecting this option, you will ensure that your ad gets an increased preference for mobile devices.

Benefits of Mobile-Optimized Ads

Creating mobile-optimized ads can prove to be beneficial in ways more than one. Some of the prime advantages include:

  • The Liberty of Running Split-Tests: By creating two advertisements in each group, namely desktops and mobiles, you can run split-tests between those ads.
  • Gift of customization: Another crucial advantage is that you will get to customize your advertisement copy in a better fashion for mobile devices.

You just need to give proper attention to mobile traffic and incorporate it into your mobile ad campaigns correctly. Your success in doing so might fetch you the highest amount of revenues in no time.